Date of Birth
March 8 1985
Current Location
Mesa AZ
What's your setup
Black Nugget on Indys & ASL Highdeas
Custom Chop DH 30" DH deck on 175 Surfrodz & DHD Streamlines
Favorite Terrain
Steep and Fast
Favorite Skating Discipline
Hardwheel Techslide
How you got into skating
I got my first board in '02 to travel fast between surf spots in NJ without having to load up the car evrytime.
Those days were great, shouting at little litties walking down the boardboard while chasing the waves down the shore.
Favorite part of skating
Favorite Event
Broadway Bomb & Earthwing slide jam
Worst Fear
Head on collision from a car cutting their lane
Favorite saying
Yo baby!
Worst bail
That one time I was doing a head slide and caught the lip of my helmet on some cheesed out pavement, yeah that one hurt.